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Tips on Buying A Classic Car

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There are many things you should keep in mind before buying a classic vehicle. These include rust prevention, roadworthiness, insurance and regular maintenance. The cost of maintaining a classic car can be quite high, so be sure to account for that in your budget. Murphy's Law is also applicable to classic cars. This means you'll need to pay more frequently for routine maintenance. Here are some tips for buying a classic vehicle.

Before buying a classic car, ask these questions

It's not perfect, but classic cars can be. They can have small or large problems. Sometimes sellers won't tell you about these problems, because they know that an inspection will reveal them. But if you want to buy a classic car, you should ask about all these issues. If there are major problems, it might be a sign that the seller is hiding something. A lemon could be in your future if you don't get the seller to disclose any problems.

cool car

Insuring a classic vehicle to keep it roadworthy

If you own a classic car, you are probably familiar with the work that goes into maintaining it. The UK Department of Transport (DfT), exempted older vehicles form annual MoT tests, because they were of historical interest. To keep older vehicles roadworthy, you will need to have replacement parts. It's worth researching what parts are available and how to obtain them. If you don’t know where to begin, the Internet can be a good place.

How to inspect a classic car for signs of rust

Before buying a classic car you should inspect it for rust. It is important to inspect all body panels as they may conceal rust damage caused by previous bodywork. You can use a magnet to assess the extent of corrosion damage to your body. If the magnet sticks on different parts of the body it may indicate an issue with the corrosion. You should get a mechanic to examine the car.

Maintaining a classic automobile for less then a year

Many collectors will turn to temporary storage for winter. Classic cars can be stored in short-term storage without any engine damage. Even if you do not plan to drive your car for over a year, short-term storage will allow it to remain in perfect condition. For long-term storage, it is best to start your car every few months.

automotive training

Investing on a classic Car

Although the investment potential for a classic car can be high, it is not for everyone. Whether you're after a V12 or a compact and purposeful vehicle, investing in a classic car represents a piece of art and history. Although this is not an easy investment, it is worth the effort if your passion is vintage cars and you are willing to do the work.


How do I fix my car for a hobby?

Take up a hobby in car repair if you have an interest. You can learn to fix them, buy them parts, and even sell them. If you are looking for something more, it would be an excellent hobby.

But it is not easy to turn this into your full-time occupation. It requires a lot of hard work and dedication. And you'll need to invest a lot of money too.

So unless you have a good reason for wanting to get involved with cars, then it might be best to leave it alone.

What are the requirements for an automobile technician?

You need to have high school diploma or GED and good grades in English as well as maths. You must also be able to read, and write. The written test will be passed and you will then have to take several practical exams before you can begin work.

What length is an automotive mechanic apprenticeship?

A three-year apprenticeship in automotive mechanics takes. This includes two year at school as well as two years as an apprenticeship. The first year is used to learn all aspects of the trade including safety procedures and theory. During this time, you'll also learn how to use tools safely and efficiently. After the completion of the first year, you will spend another year on the job training. Here you'll gain valuable experience in different trades. These years will offer you the opportunity to attend formal classes.

The last year of the program is dedicated to gaining certification and qualifications in the field. These include NVQs (National Vocational Qualifications), that are given after passing specific industry exams. In addition, there are HNCs (Higher National Certificates) that cover general subjects such as management, business administration, and customer service. City & Guilds certificates can be obtained for individuals who want to learn certain trades.

How long does an automotive course take?

An automotive course is three years long.

The first year is dedicated to theory and learning about cars. The second year is dedicated towards practical training. This includes learning how to drive, fix engine problems, and doing other maintenance jobs around your car. The last year is spent at a local shop, where you will get practical experience with real-world problems.

Is it hard to get work as an auto mechanic?

Yes, it is possible. Many garages list their vacancies online. Many people simply apply for the fun of it. If you want to get your foot in the door, you should try applying for a few places and see if they accept student applications. If you don't know anyone working in the industry, ask your friends and relatives. They might be happy to recommend someone.

What is the average time it takes to become a mechanic?

To become a skilled mechanic, you need years of experience and practice. You can learn the most effective way to fix cars by learning from a professional mechanic.

You will spend time in a workshop learning everything you can about cars. It is important to get familiar with the mechanics of cars and engineering.

You will also need to go to auto school.

The most important thing to do is start early. To learn about automotive technology, don't wait to be older. Get started now if you are interested in becoming a mechanic.

What are the basics of car mechanics?

Auto mechanics don't require any knowledge. All you need to know is how to fix things. It's why many people begin to fix things by fitting brake pads or changing tires.

It is important to be able to read and understand diagrams as well as written instructions. You will also need to understand how parts should be replaced or repaired.

It's important to remember that you shouldn't attempt to repair vehicles without having received proper training and guidance. This is especially true when you are dealing with costly components like engines and transmissions.

Although you won't be required to know much about cars you should have a solid understanding of the fundamentals and principles of mechanical engineering. This involves understanding how engines work and how brakes work.

It is also important to remember that you will need to be able to handle many situations. For instance, you might find yourself in charge of a vehicle that has been in a serious accident. Experience with accidents and breakdowns is also a must.

You must also be willing to learn quickly. It is important to be able both to diagnose problems and perform simple maintenance tasks, such as tightening nuts.


  • Apprentice mechanics earn significantly less hourly than mechanics who have completed training, with a median wage of approximately $14.50 an hour, according to PayScale. (jobhero.com)
  • 52% of Mechanics in the United States think their salaries are enough for the cost of living in their area. (indeed.com)
  • The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that the job outlook for automotive service technicians and mechanics is expected to decline by 4% from 2019 to 2029. (indeed.com)

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How To

How to become an automotive technician

A technician who works on vehicles is an automotive technician. He/she works in car dealerships as well as auto shops, garages, and service centers. He/she repairs cars, trucks, motorbikes and snowmobiles for customers. An automotive technician must be capable of diagnosing problems and making repairs safely, accurately and efficiently.

A person who wants to work as an automotive technician should first obtain an associate degree from a vocational school. After completing this program, he/she must pass the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification exam. ASE stands as American Society of Mechanical Engineers. The ASE certification test consists two sections. The first section tests your mechanical skills, while the second tests your practical knowledge. You will need to attend an authorized testing site in order to pass the test. You can find these locations online or through your local automobile dealer.

Before becoming an automotive technician, a candidate must pass the test. It varies depending on the location of the applicant. Some states require candidates to complete a training program, while others let them study on their own. Some states permit technicians to work immediately after they are granted their license. Others require them to wait at least six consecutive months before they can be licensed.

To get started as an automotive technician, a person should apply to a local automotive dealership. New employees are usually apprentices when they first get hired. Apprenticeships typically last three years. The apprenticeship program teaches students how to change oil, adjust brakes, replace tires, clean spark plugs, inspect engine compartments, and perform routine maintenance. Some students learn how to do advanced repairs, such as installing air filters, replacing shocks, repairing engines, and replacing transmission fluids. Schools offer classes during business hours. However, some schools offer evening classes if needed.

After completing an apprenticeship, a student becomes a journeyman. Journeymen usually spend four to five year learning how to install major systems like transmissions, differentials steering gear, suspensions, drive shafts, and steering gear. You will also learn how to repair complicated electrical components, as well as how to remanufacture engines and rebuild transmissions. Many employers prefer hiring journeymen because they know the job well and understand what the customer expects.

Candidates who pass the required exams are eligible for a license. According to Bureau of Labor Statistics (2010), almost 1.7million automotive mechanic jobs were on the market. This figure is expected to rise 18 percent between 2009-2020. Candidates who decide to open their own business should be prepared to invest thousands in equipment and supplies.

Automotive technicians' salaries depend on many factors such as the employer, whereabouts, education level and experience. On average, a jobless person could expect to earn $20,000 annually. A person with only a high-school diploma could make around $21,000 annually. Associate's degrees earn approximately $24,000 per annum. Technicians with bachelor's degrees earn approximately $27,000 per year. A master's degree earns around $32,000 per a year. Salary increases are common so professionals who make less than $30,000 a year could realistically expect to earn $40,000 over the next few years.



Tips on Buying A Classic Car